Response To Errors of LiveJournal's Childfree Community

Welcome to the LiveJournal's Childfree Community Members!

There have been many errors printed in the LiveJournal's Childfree Community about this web ring and the owner of this web ring.  I created this page to correct those errors.  The first error has to do with what E thinks is SPAM.  The second error has to do with an entry created by phoena.

This web page created on Monday, 5/26/2003 @ 13:05 MDT. 

This web page updated on Tuesday, 8/10/2010 @ 20:34 MDT. 

Error #1 :

5/20/2003, Tues. @ 18:45 MDT (V 2):

I noticed, earlier today, a very unexpected surge in traffic to one of my web ring home pages.  I looked to see where it was coming from.  I noticed that somebody named bramblekite ( ), who is the same person as E ( ), decided to post many "Abuse alerts" on many pages.  The Abuse alerts, , contain a few errors.  First, childfreeman1962 is not the same username as wrown.  Unless E or other people can prove that childfreeman1962 is the same person as wrown, which they have not done, they can logically conclude only one of two things: first, that childfreeman1962 and wrown are different people, or second, that they do not know whether childfreeman1962 and wrown is the same person.  Second, the web link that was posted on a guestbook is not SPAM as defined by Tripod.  Tripod defines SPAM "as Unsolicited Commercial Email (UCE) or Unsolicited Bulk Email (UBE).  SPAM is any email you receive that you did not request." on their "What is SPAM?" web page.

If one has a guestbook on their web site that allows others to say anything that they want with a way to add a web site link to a guestbook entry, then that guestbook owner should expect to get a lot of different entries.  Those entries will contain praise, criticism and indifference for the guestbook owner, and information, which may contain a web site link that the guestbook owner may or may not find objectionable, for the guestbook owner and the readers of the guestbook.  If the guestbook owner does not like what is entered into the guestbook, then the owner should shut the guestbook down, permit only certain people to write entries in the guestbook, or publish rules, where a potential guestbook entry writer will see them, about what is permitted in the guestbook.  If and only if a guestbook entry writer has violated the published rules and the guestbook owner has unsuccessfully attempted to contact the guestbook entry writer, should the guestbook owner report the violation as abuse.

In the case of E, she did not have any rules published about what she permitted in her guestbook.  As such, in my opinion, she is in the wrong for reporting my entry in her guestbook, which I include below, as abuse.  In my opinion, anything can be written in her guestbook.

E should learn how to act like a mature adult by stopping her use of personal attacks, swear words and profane nicknames.

The guestbook entry that I made in E's guestbook (The time zone in the entry is EDT) :

entry 147
name: Childfree Smokefree Web Ring Owner 
If anybody who reads this is childfree and smokefree, then check out the Childfree Smokefree Web Ring. 
date: 0:54 am - Saturday,May 17, 2003 

Error #2 (I received a one line response to the Sunday, May 25, 2003 3:35:45 PM email from Phoena and I am crafting a response to it.  Because she has not corrected the errors in her childfree journal entry, I am posting the email exchange that she and I had.) :

-------Original Message-------
From: GrpWrOwnB
Date: Sunday, May 25, 2003 3:35:45 PM
To: Phoena
Cc: GrpWrOwnB
Subject: Response To You Childfree Community Entry (Was: RE: Please Add Links To Your Web Site's Great Childfree Links Section)
Hi Phoena,
     I read your note, which I have included at the bottom of this email, on and you are incorrect in at least seven things.  First, I requested politely, by using the word "Please", that you add my links to your web site.  I did not tell you, your term is "told me", which I interpret as you thinking that I ordered you to put them on your web site.  Second, I thanked you for adding the links in my first email to you, as the last word in my email, and in my second email, in the first sentence and the last word.  Third, I asked you, by using the word "Please", not demanded you, to correct the spelling of the "Web Ring" term.  The first three points show that I have good manners.  Fourth, there is a difference in spelling for the term or word Web Ring.  Some people spell the word or term "Web Ring" or "webring".  The official name for my two web rings use the term "Web Ring" instead of "webring".   I wanted to make sure that you had the name correct, especially since I gave you the correct spelling in my first email that I sent to you and you spelled it incorrectly on your web site.  Fifth, as the "5/20/2003, Tues. @ 18:45 MDT (V 2)" section on my "Childfree Smokefree Web Ring Home Page" proved, I am not a spammer.  Sixth, as you can see from the included email thread, my email has always come from GrpWrOwnB, which is linked to the wrown username on, not ChildfreeMan1962.  Seventh, you are incorrect in your CF elitist label that you put on me, which I will show to you below.
     You said in your note that you would take down my links from your web site, I observed that you actually took them down, because you wrote, "now that I know he's a spammer and a CF elitist."  In the previous paragraph, I showed that I am not a spammer.  In the next paragraph, I will show that I am not a CF elitist.  Assuming that you actually visited my links before adding them to your web site, I have a question for you.  If somebody being, as you may think, a CF elitist is such a problem for you, then why did you add my links to your web site?
     I am not a CF elitist.  The definition of elitist, according to, , is "someone who believes in rule by an elite group".  The definition of elite, , is "a group or class of persons enjoying superior intellectual or social or economic status".  In terms of the Childfree Smokefree group, I do not want it to rule the world, which means that the group and I are not CF elitist.
     How should I have interpreted your "Thanks for the submission!" sentence in your email?  When I read it, I interpreted it at face value that you appreciated my submission.  After reading your note, I see that my interpretation was incorrect because you did not actually appreciate my submission, which seems to indicate that you lied to me.
     I would appreciate it if you would correct your note on .  I would also appreciate it if you would add my links, which I include below, to your web site. 
  Discussion Boards :
    Childfree Smokefree USA :
      Tuesday, 8/10/2010: URL deleted because this no longer exists.
    Childfree Smokefree USA Northwest :Northwest :
      Tuesday, 8/10/2010: URL deleted because this no longer exists.

  Social Organizations :
    Childfree Smokefree USA :
      Tuesday, 8/10/2010: URL deleted because this no longer exists.
    Childfree Smokefree USA Northwest :Northwest :
      Tuesday, 8/10/2010: URL deleted because this no longer exists.

  Singles Groups :
    Childfree Smokefree Singles USA :
      Tuesday, 8/10/2010: URL deleted because this no longer exists.
    Childfree Smokefree Singles USA Northwest :Northwest :
      Tuesday, 8/10/2010: URL deleted because this no longer exists.

  Webrings :
    Childfree Smokefree Web Ring : Web Ring : Web Ring :
      Tuesday, 8/10/2010: URL deleted because this no longer exists.
    Childfree Smokefree Singles Web Ring : Web Ring :
      Tuesday, 8/10/2010: URL deleted because this no longer exists.
-----Original Message-----
From: GrpWrOwnB 
Sent: Sunday, April 20, 2003 2:38 PM
To: Phoena
Subject: RE: Please Add Links To Your Web Site's Great Childfree Links Section

     Thanks for adding the links.  I noticed two misspellings, which I would like you to correct.  In the Webrings section, you used "Webring" instead of "Web Ring" for my two web ring links.  Please use "Web Ring".
-----Original Message-----
From: Phoena 
Sent: Sunday, April 20, 2003 12:29 PM
Subject: Re: Please Add Links To Your Web Site's Great Childfree Links Section

I added your links.  Thanks for the submission!
-------Original Message-------
From: GrpWrOwnB
Date: Saturday, April 19, 2003 03:58:07 AM
Cc: GrpWrOwnB
Subject: Please Add Links To Your Web Site's Great Childfree Links Section

Please add the following links to your "Great Childfree Links" section
on .


Discussion Boards :

Childfree Smokefree USA
Tuesday, 8/10/2010: URL deleted because this no longer exists.

Childfree Smokefree USA Northwest :
Tuesday, 8/10/2010: URL deleted because this no longer exists.

Social Organizations :

Childfree Smokefree USA
Tuesday, 8/10/2010: URL deleted because this no longer exists.

Childfree Smokefree USA Northwest :
Tuesday, 8/10/2010: URL deleted because this no longer exists.

Singles Groups :

Childfree Smokefree Singles USA :
Tuesday, 8/10/2010: URL deleted because this no longer exists.

Childfree Smokefree Singles USA Northwest :
Tuesday, 8/10/2010: URL deleted because this no longer exists.

Webrings :

Childfree Smokefree Web Ring (Join Link) :
Tuesday, 8/10/2010: URL deleted because this no longer exists.

Childfree Smokefree Singles Web Ring (Join Link) :
Tuesday, 8/10/2010: URL deleted because this no longer exists.

Childfree Smokefree Geek
2003-05-24 20:07 (link)
This idiot (childfreeman1962) emailed me a month ago, and told me to add his list of yahoo groups and links to my website where I collect CF links ( I didn't like the tone of the email, because he wasn't very friendly or polite, but I added them. Then he emails me back, almost immediately, to demand I fix a minor error: instead of typing "web ring" I typed "webring". What's the difference? I always thought "webring" was more correct (perhaps I'm wrong) but who cares? Did he ask me nicely to fix it? Did he thank me for adding his list of links? Nope. The guy has no manners. I'm taking down his links, now that I know he's a spammer and a CF elitist. Heaven forbid he talk to someone who is childless and not childfree, right?! When I'm looking for friends, I don't care WHY someone doesn't have kids -- just as long as they don't have them, so we can do stuff together without some brat tagging along.

After reading his personal ad, he looks like he's looking for someone exactly like himself, only female. What a freak!! He states clearly that he won't date vegetarians -- heaven forbid he eat a vegetable! He himself can't decide on a religion. Is he Agnostic, or Unitarian niversalist? He doesn't even know. His perfect mate better not be religious. She better not be a fat chick, either. She MUST be a hiker! He won't dress up, so don't plan to take him anywhere nice. He admits that he is only "somewhate affectionate".

He says he will only date US citizens with their entire family being US citizens, lest he have to deal with anything multi-cultural. But then on his yahoo profile, he says he likes Hispanics & Latinos. How can you expect them to have their entire family as US citizens? I'm sure it's possible, but I'm sure many more have families in their native country!

The one that REALLY gets me is this: she'd better be willing to live with him (and even relocate for him, because he's unwilling to relocate for her), but she must ALWAYS, ALWAYS pay her own way. How do you divide up the grocery bill if you live together? Each person cooks for themself? Divide the refrigerator in half so you don't accidentally eat something the other one paid for? LOL I totally understand going dutch in a dating relationship, but once living together, that's a bit far-fetched. He says he doen't want the government involved in their relationship, which is why he won't marry. But he wants a legal contract (like a pre-nup) -- doesn't the government become involved in a legal contract? Obviously he thinks women aren't smart enough to spot that.

His only hope of ever getting a girlfriend is to clone himself (as a female, of course).

By the way, he claims that "wrown" (the owner of the webring) is not the same person as him, but childfreeman1962 was the one asking me to list it on my site, not wrown. So I think they are the same person. He's just trying to pretend none of this is his fault.

Thanks for letting me rant about that freak. He's creepy.